With the aim of promoting an environment and management that defend and respect democracy, justice and human rights, Petrobras and the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship (MDHC) signed a technical cooperation agreement that could benefit 38 thousand employees and 105 thousand contractors at the energy company. Petrobras’ Corporate Affairs Officer, Clarice Coppetti, and Minister Silvio Almeida signed the resolution this Wednesday (11/01), in Rio de Janeiro. The signing ceremony was also attended by representatives from Petrobras, such as the executive manager of Social Responsibility, José Maria Rangel, the Exploration and Production Officer, Joelson Mendes; and the Engineering, Technology and Innovation Officer, Carlos Travassos; and from the MDHC, such as the general coordinator of Human Rights and Businesses, Luiz Gustavo Lo-Buono.
In a joint work, expected to last two years, the MDHC will act as a consultative body for the development and improvement of Petrobras’ human rights governance policies. By exchanging information between the institutions, the company will promote the human rights agenda across its value chain.
“This is a special moment not only for the Ministry and Petrobras, but also for Brazil. This agreement is the materialization of the commitment to integrate human rights and the corporate world, bearing in mind that citizenship and economic development go hand in hand. Let us learn together, leveraging the actions that Petrobras has already been carrying out. As the largest Brazilian company, which drives the country forward, it has the energy to propagate respect and protection of differences, minorities and basic human rights throughout the business segment, knowing that corporate policies also translate to those outside the companies and can transform people’s lives”, declared Minister Silvio Almeida.
According to the document, the preparation of a technical report with recommendations on human rights will be the responsibility of the MDHC, which Petrobras will apply. The partnership also includes activities to improve practices for the promotion, defense, guarantee and non-violation of fundamental rights in line with national and international frameworks linked to the matter.
To integrate the work plan, the agreement also includes the provision of human, technological and material resources to carry out the proposed actions; host workshops; among other initiatives. Articulations are also planned with other agendas under the responsibility of the MDHC, under the perspective of the management of risks arising from human rights violations.
“Today is a great day for the Petrobras workforce. The signing of this agreement is a result of the enthusiasm and intense work of both institutions, which will be in constant exchange. The agreement is born with around twenty actions to intensify activities, providing deadlines and responsible parties. These actions reinforce the human rights policies at Petrobras, as well as the value of the protection of human rights for the entire Brazilian society”, stated Clarice Coppetti, Petrobras’ Officer.
The technical cooperation agreement was developed by MDHC’s General Coordination on Human Rights and Businesses, and Petrobras’ Social Responsibility area. The initiatives are expected to begin fifteen days after signing.
“Petrobras has rediscovered itself as a company that promotes national development, which generates income and employment, invests in technology, and protects people. We want to be a reference for human rights in Brazil and this agreement is our first step in this journey”, said the company’s executive manager of Social Responsibility, José Maria Rangel.