On September 1, as part of the “Remember Naka-no-Se” safety promotion campaign,* NYK conducted a response drill based on an assumed scenario that had an NYK-owned LNG carrier collide with a ferry outside Ise Bay. In this drill, NYK worked with the vessel and many external stakeholders to minimize the accident’s impact, thus reaffirming the importance of safe operation, which is the mission and the basis of business continuity by the NYK Group.
NYK conducted the drill with the cooperation of external stakeholders, including the Maritime Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the 4th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, and the Japanese Shipowners’ Association. In the training, NYK promptly established a crisis management center after receiving an accident notification from the vessel. NYK worked with external stakeholders to rescue people who had fallen from the ferry and ensure the safety of other ships passing in the vicinity. In addition, NYK practiced appropriate information disclosure as the situation progressed and held a mock press conference that featured the same tension expected during an actual accident
The NYK Group will continue to work together on ship and land to ensure safe operation, which is our top priority.