Cyprus Shipping News is delighted to announce Propeller Club as Supporter of the 1st CSN Greece Crewing Conference ”Maritime HR challenges in 2023″.
The idea for the Propeller Club was conceived in New York in 1922 by a group of professionals engaged in the merchant marine industry.
They would meet regularly to discuss issues of mutual interest and concern. These meetings led to the foundation of the Propeller Club of the United States, with the aim of promoting the US merchant marine industry and international shipping to create a better world through sea commerce. The name “Propeller” is symbolic of propulsion, the driving force required to achieve the Club’s objectives.
The Propeller Club’s world headquarters is located in Fairfax, Virginia, and today there are Clubs in 72 ports worldwide.
The International Propeller Club of the United States, Port of Piraeus is a non-profit association and is one of the oldest maritime institutions in Greece.
Founded in 1935, it is the largest and most powerful Propeller Club among a network of 72 counterparts worldwide. Its main purposes are the promotion, advancement and support of global merchant shipping and Greek-American relations at a social, cultural and business level, while it also carries out a significant social service towards the Greek society with donations and the provision of scholarships to distinguished students in Greek and American universities.
Find out more at https://propellerclub.gr