Cyprus Shipping News is delighted to announce HELMEPA as Supporter of the 1st CSN Greece Crewing Conference ”Maritime HR challenges in 2023″.
HELMEPA s the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association; the pioneering voluntary commitment of Greek seafarers and ship owners to safeguard the seas from ship-generated pollution, undertaken in Piraeus, on June 4, 1982. Under the motto “To Save the Seas”, they have consistently supported their initiative to date.
The human element of the Maritime Community to acquire an environmental consciousness and a spirit of safety towards achieving quality shipping, always at the service of humankind.
Through a highly-coordinated voluntary effort towards informing, updating, educating and motivating all, from ship owner to the last seafarer.
It was the acute apprehensions of the late Greek ship owner, George P. Livanos regarding the serious threat human activities pose to the world’s oceans. With the firm belief that the Greek maritime community could indeed make a positive start towards (realizing) sustainable shipping, the President of the Union of Greek Shipowners together with the Secretary General of the Panhellenic Seamen’s Federation, signed the Declaration of Voluntary Commitment “To Save the Seas” on 4 June 1982 as well as an Action Plan upon which the Association was founded and has been operating ever since. And in order for this initiative of Greek shipping to be (to ensure their message was) heard around the world, five internationally-recognized environmental organizations co-signed the Declaration.