Greek buyers have been the most active in this sector, accounting for c.29% of sales reported this year
Although overall Bulker sales have been more moderate so far this year, the volume of Capesize sales has been moving in the opposite direction to the rest of the sector with sales up there next to the historic highs of 2021. According to VesselsValue data, a Veson Nautical Solution, there have been 97 Capesize sales reported this year to date, which equals the sales for the same period in 2021, sales have increased by c. 24% year on year with 78 Capesize S&P transactions reported during the same period last year.
Notable sales include Capesize BC Santa Lucia (176,800 DWT, Aug 2006, Namura) sold to unknown Turkish buyers for USD 16.35 mil, VV Value USD 15.73 mil. Capesize BC Yuan Fu Star (175,200 DWT, Dec 2011, Jiangsu Rongsheng) sold to Beks Shipmanagement Turkey for USD 23 mil, VV Value USD 22.73 mil