Month: December 2023

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New handymax vessel for Nova Marine Carriers

New entry for the Nova Marine Carriers fleet. The Lugano-based group, controlled by the Romeo and Gozzi/Bolfo families, has taken delivery of a new 38,593 dwt handymax vessel in Shanghai. The vessel,…

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Baltic index rises on higher freight activity, fewer ships

The Baltic Exchange’s dry bulk sea freight index climbed on Wednesday, as rates across ship segments rose amid increased freight activity and some vessel shortages. The overall index, which factors…

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ESL Shipping commits to set science-based targets for GHG emissions reductions

ESL Shipping, the leading carrier of dry bulk cargoes in the Baltic Sea region, has joined the Science Based Targets initiative  and committed to setting both near-term and long-term company-wide…

PETRONAS awards seven new PSCs under Malaysia bid round 2023, and launches Malaysia bid round 2024

PETRONAS awarded Production Sharing Contracts  for six exploration blocks and one Discovered Resource Opportunities  cluster marketed under the Malaysia Bid Round 2023 , expected to garner more than…

Ørsted acquire full ownership of Sunrise Wind subject to award in New York 4 offshore wind solicitation

Ørsted has signed an agreement with Eversource to acquire Eversource’s 50 % share of Sunrise Wind, a 924 MW offshore wind farm which would deliver power to New York. The acquisition is subject to…

McDermott and Baker Hughes safely complete Subsea Infrastructure in Northern Australia

McDermott, a premier engineering and construction company, and Baker Hughes, an energy technology company,  announced the safe completion of the installation of subsea infrastructure at the Ichthys…

Castor Maritime announces the sale of the M/V Magic Orion for $17.4 Million with an expected net gain of $2.0 Million and the completion of the sale of the M/V Magic Argo

Castor Maritime, a diversified global shipping company, announces that on December 7, 2023, the Company entered into an agreement with an unaffiliated third party for the sale of the M/V Magic…

ECSA welcomes enhanced EU engagement and international cooperation in the Red Sea

European shipowners welcome the announcement from the EU to contribute to US Operation Prosperity Guardian through Operation EUNAVFOR Atalanta, by intensifying information sharing and by increasing…

Maersk launches new weekly service to the Port of Tunis Rades reducing overall transit times and increasing reliability

Maersk is proud to announce a new transport solution connecting the growing Tunisian market to its mainliner services to and from Europe, Middle East and Asia. The new weekly service started…

Damietta Alliance Container Terminal final financing contract signed

The Damietta Alliance Container Terminal has signed the final financing contract for its state-of-the-art container terminal in Damietta, Egypt. The financing consortium comprises international…

Skuld renewal update 2 policy year 2024 25

CIRCULAR TO ALL MEMBERS INTERNATIONAL GROUP REINSURANCE PROGRAMME In this circular to members, we will outline the International Group's Reinsurance Programme for the Policy Year 2024/25. Key…

BIMCO Shipping Number of the Week

Shipping gears up to meet 5-10% low carbon fuel target, but will fuels be available “The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) targets for the use of zero or near-zero fuels in 2030 can be met…

Daibiru acquires Toranomon Mitsui building with an eye toward redevelopment of the area

Acquired site area of 7,901m2 in the same block of the Shosen Mitsui building Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, announced that its group company Daibiru Corporation has acquired trust beneficiary rights in the…

Skuld circular issued by International Group clubs

Bolero International, E-Title Authority , Global Share , WAVE ICE Digital Trade Management Limited , CargoX, IQAX Limited , Secro I, TradeGo , and eTEU Technologies This circular informs Members of…

The full container Jolly Rosa new entry in the Ignazio Messina and C fleet

New entry in the fleet of the Genoese group Ignazio Messina & C.: it has been taken delivery in these hours in the bay of Singapore the full container vessel "Jolly Rosa". Enrolled in the…

Update on Red Sea attacks implications

Red Sea Developments and their Impact on Northern European Container Prices Analysis from Christian Roeloffs, cofounder & CEO of Container xChange Complete Video of the analysis -…